I love finding out about people. Other people's lives! Am I just nosy? I find it incredible how we all have different brains, different thoughts, different foci. It's super to meet really driven people and find out what goes on in their brains.
To learn the ambitions of others, and the successes of others. Sometimes it is difficult not to begin comparing yourself to others, and judging their actions. This can cause me to feel bad about myself not doing equally "big" things. However, we need to remember only to compare ourselves to ourselves and watch our own progress. This is how we progress the most!
Gaining insight into a Methodone clinic! Learning the processes which are involved there, and the issues surrounding. Finding out a friend is keen to open up a cafe in Sydney. Then remembering the bigger picture of how lucky we are, and how our lives are so full of opportunity. Reunited with an old inspiring role model and mentor. Finding out that he is also Dick Smith's hero! Finding out that he is actually a portion Aboriginal! Discovering he too, has a passion for learning about ancestry and heritage, and unveiling the personal stories and truth of our immediate older generations.
Wonderful people :).
I then delayed bed time by engaging in conversation with my lovely aunty who has moved in with me. Her presence allows me a buddy to share my inspired ramblings to. Someone whose English is more than ample to understand my thoughts I want to convey. I am so incredibly lucky.
That is all. Sorry about the vagueness of this post, but I feel that it covers all the imminent points! I am doing what I want to be doing.
- catching up with those who inspire me
- meeting new people
- trying new things
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