Sunday, 10 November 2013

the gifted and talented class

Perhaps life has been less of that of an hermit than I have given it credit for! I'm not sure that sentence made sense.

My mind could benefit from "The Brain that Changes Itself". It has difficulty remaining Present, and tends to devote an unnecessary proportion of consciousness to unworthy tasks. I feel that this is all part of growing up, an finding myself. Developing methods to manage certain aspects of life. I am certain that this is a temporary phase.

Last night, I had the pleasure of being reunited with amazing women. My classmates from 5S (Mrs Sleap's class of 1999)! Bronwyn and her husband too, graced us with their presence! He too, spreads the JASON project which represents a massive proportion of my childhood memories.

How incredibly insightful it was to hear a behind the scenes perspective of why we were put in the special "Gifted and Talented" class. What makes us different, and how we require certain methods of teaching to thrive. Placed in the mainstream classes, it is likely that boredom will cause detriment.

The process that was required involved completing aptitude tests, and competency tests. However, Bronwyn ignored all competency test results, and focused on aptitude only. Girls of IQ 130-180 were placed in the classroom. Interestingly, this meant that the composition of the class was much different to that of an OC (opportunity class) which are mainly based on competency.

It is amazing how much each of us students can recall grade 5 and grade 6 being within the G&T class. Only now do we realise how privileged we were to have been part of a cohort that Bronwyn often reflects upon, and uses as an example in her current teaching of teachers.

Bronwyn now travels the world educating the educators of gifted children. What an absolute pleasure it was to enjoy dinner last night! I feel as though every classmate who was there, gained something valuable from the dinner. We each learnt a little something about ourselves, connected the dots about why we are a certain way, and rediscovered the joys of each others company.

Passion. Entrepreneurship. Gifted. Guard rails. Intuition. Resilience. Perseverance. Optimism. Empowerment. Freedom to be.

I feel so inspired. I have a bit of soul searching to do. But I do know that I have great potential mentors, and that I have incredible friends to rekindle relationships with!

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